Effortless Charm: How to Make Anyone Feel Comfortable
Last year around this time, as COVID-19 vaccines rolled out and the world started reopening, there was a collective acceptance that we’d all be a little socially awkward at first. But if you remain working from home or even in a hybrid environment, you may feel like your overall in-person charm and confidence still aren’t quite up to their dazzling pre-pandemic levels.
Maybe you’re nervous to tackle your first in-person interview in over a decade or hustling to get back into the networking circuit. No matter what type of in-person interaction you’re looking to enhance, these ridiculously easy tips will help everything go smoothly for both you and the person you’re charming.
Speak and move slowly
Even if you’re excited, try to slow down those waving arms or rapid-fire words. Otherwise, you could make others subconsciously anxious or afraid and consciously uncomfortable. Why is that? According to Psychology Today, people evolved to understand that sudden events (including movements and sounds) could mark the beginning of an attack.
Tip: Use the other person as a mirror, a “pacer car,” for your movements and talking speed.
Throw out some genuine compliments
Compliments light up the brain, giving people an instant feel-good vibe, even people you’ve just met.
Demonstrate you’re listening
Use eye-contact, nods, and non-interrupting verbal affirmations to demonstrate your attention. Summarize how you’re interpreting their words. Ask clarifying questions, even if you think you know the answer, to make others feel heard.