Priyanka’s Secrets
Q: What’s something you do to help boost your productivity?
A: I have stopped believing the popular definition of productivity — getting more done in less time.
I now chase authenticity instead of efficiency. In the rush to get an outcome done, we subconsciously chase speed over quality and often our very own unique perspective doesn’t get the room to be showcased.
This is why I set reasonable target timelines, I take my time to do the research, understand what I am doing and the WHY of it — the objectives and implications get fine tuned at this stage. And then I dabble the outcome with my own creative spin, because everything is a story and it needs to be remembered and understood with clarity, so I’d use visual tools/word cues to drive the point home.
Q: How do you find work life balance?
A: It’s a non-negotiable choice at the end of the day. One would have balance if they consciously work toward it; often, the lines get blurred because something that you are doing for fun might spark an idea for a project you are working on.
What I try to do is marry each of my personal and professional spheres and not win one at the cost of the other.
Q: What’s the best piece of professional advice you’ve received so far?
A: Don’t seek out external validation ever, for no one knows your journey better than you do.
Q: What’s your favorite software or app that helps with your workflow?
A: Google calendar is my one-stop solution as everything I do is on it. My workout slots, my meal slots, my recurring stand-ups, my deep work sprints and even my journal time.
Q: What’s a book or podcast you’d recommend to a colleague?
A: Principles by Ray Dalio and How to Do Nothing by Jenny Odell; both of these books give the ultimate framework at how one could look at their life holistically — professionally and personally.
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