Welcome to The Assist Fam!

Crucial Next Step:

šŸ‘€Check Your Email

(Surprise! There are 3 unannounced free gifts in that email šŸ¤‘)

Look for this subject line:āš The Assist Kick-Off (response required)

šŸ“„ Check your inbox now before you forget.
šŸ§ Block 5 mins w/o distractions to read the entire email.
šŸ¤Æ Discover how to get max value from your free The Assist subscription.
šŸ” Canā€™t find the email? Check your ā€œpromotionsā€ or ā€œspamā€ tabs and move the email intoĀ  Ā your inbox (train the email gods to send you the goods!)