Joke: I got a job at a bakery because I kneaded dough… Punchline: Now I loaf around all day.
Trivia: January is named after which Roman god, known for his two faces? Answer: Janus.
Riddle: I am shaped by the wind, but I’m not alive. I can stand tall or stretch wide. People marvel at me but cannot take me inside. What am I?…
Brainteaser: Two men were born in the same year, on the same day, in the same city, and they have the same parents. However, they are not twins. How is this…
Joke: Why did the scarecrow become a motivational speaker? Punchline: Because he was outstanding in his field.
Trivia: “Les Fauves” was a name given to a group of artists that also included Matisse. What is its literal meaning of “Les Fauves”? Answer: The Wild Beasts.
Riddle: If you throw me out of the window, I’ll leave a grieving wife. Bring me back, but through a door, You’ll see someone giving life. What am I? Answer:…
Brainteaser: What has a bottom at the top? Answer: Your legs.
Joke: Why was the broom late to the New Year’s party? Punchline: It swept right past midnight.
Trivia: What is the first country in the world to celebrate the New Year? Answer: Kiribati (Line Islands).
Riddle: I start big and round, then shrink away. I glow in the sky but not every day. What am I? Answer: The moon.
12/31/24 Riddle: I start big and round, then shrink away. I glow in the sky but not every day. What am I? Answer: The moon. 12/24/24 Riddle: What do you…