OG Tuesday Issue #119

The Assist Newsletter
January 3, 2023
Start your morning with this affirmation:
OG Tuesday 119 affirmation
Today’s checklist: Get better at people, beat your case of comparisonitis, build rapport with anyone, and break up your bottlenecks.


Hydrate or Diedrate


Skip the post-holiday diet and set a small, realistic goal of drinking more water. Here are 3 good reasons why.


The #1 All-In-One Platform You Didn’t Know You Needed


 monday.com dashboard

If you’re old school and keep a notebook and pen handy to write down your to-dos, or use a handful of apps to stay on top of projects, monday.com can either supplement your workflow or become your sole solution to get things done.

The really cool thing about it is that you can manage all your team’s work in one place (oh, and you can get it free if you’re strapped for cash).

No more endless e-mail threads or long meetings. With monday.com you can keep track of everything your team’s working on, communicate in context, and get started in minutes with a super easy set-up.

Signing up for free won’t just help you become more productive, you’ll also be supporting The Assist 😊.

Try it free


Ask. Listen. Observe.


You’ve probably heard about people analytics, the practice of leveraging empirical behavioral evidence to make decisions that affect employees’ lives.

But how do you actually use it to improve your work and your relationships?

Follow in the example of the Ford Motor Company and remember 3 easy steps:

  • Ask
  • Listen
  • Observe
What these steps look like may change depending on what you’re trying to accomplish. Here are the basics.


What it looks like: 

  • Initiating honest conversations
  • Hosting focus groups
  • Fielding polls and surveys
  • Conducting interviews


What it looks like: 

  • Observing and reflecting on what people post on social media
  • Listening radically when people speak during a variety of circumstances


What it looks like: 

  • Embracing the old principle that actions speak louder than words and quietly observing what people are communicating through their actions.


Your 2023 HR Checklist to Retain Top Talent


Bonusly's 2023 HR Checklist to Retain Top Talent

Here is a handy checklist to plan and accomplish a successful 2023 with retention in mind!

If you check these boxes off the list, it’s a good sign you’re taking care of your people, which will also reduce turnover, boost productivity, and lead to stronger business outcomes as a result.

Inside, you’ll find:

  • ✅ An interactive PDF that, yes, lets you literally check off boxes.
  • 💭 Reflection and planning prompts to align your people goals with overall business objectives.
  • 💚 Actionable tips to improve culture and engagement, recruitment and hiring, growth and development, performance and feedback, wellness, and recognition.
  • ⚒ Over 10 new tools and resources you can use for free today.

Get the checklist today


Goodbye, Comparisonitis


Do you suffer from chronic or even just occasional comparisonitis, the tendency to judge your self worth in relation to the accomplishments of others?

While it’s generally natural to compare, doing it constantly, and in ways that damage your own self esteem, is, to understate: not healthy.

Nick Keomahavong, a Buddhist Monk, has some healing tips for you.

Here’s a quick take: 

“See the good in others and integrate it”  

Instead of ruminating on what you perceive to be your shortcomings, consider what you admire in the other person and what you might be able to learn from them.

“Anumotanaboon or “rejoice in your merits”

Observe and celebrate your positive traits and actions to gradually train your brain to see more positives than negatives.

“Spread loving kindness” 

Fill your mind with a light of loving energy and compassion. Start by directing it at yourself until you develop the skills to direct it outwards, even to those you may be envious of.

“Talk to them and ask them how” 

Redirect your energy from comparing yourself to others to seeking to understand the qualities and accomplishments you admire in the other person.

“Everyone experiences suffering” 

“Comparison goggles” may create an illusion that the person you’re comparing yourself to is perfect and perfectly happy. Acknowledging the other person’s humanity will illuminate the flaw in that line of thinking.


What’s a simple way to build rapport with anyone?


Drumroll please!

Slow down your talking speed.

Yes, that’s it.

This recommendation comes by way of the former head of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Behavioral Analysis Program, Robin Dreeke, and his book It’s Not All About “Me”: The Top Ten Techniques for Building Quick Rapport with Anyone. Slow speech conveys a sense of confidence and credibility that listeners just tend to trust and even like.

Easy enough, right?


The Secret Weapon Against Bottlenecks


In The Bottleneck Rules: How To Get More Done at Work, Without Working Harder, Clarke Ching outlines a formula — steps for dealing with bottlenecks. The steps create an acronym: FOCCCUS.

F – Find – Identify the source of the bottleneck.

O – Optimize – Alter controllable aspects of the process before and after the bottleneck.

C – Coordinate – Alter controllable aspects of processes that are subsequent, preceding, or adjacent to the bottlenecked process.  

C – Collaborate – Seek the assistance of those who work closely to or with the bottleneck. (Example: Reaching out to a bottlenecker’s team if you’re not getting a response after follow up.)

C – Curate – Select work that legitimately needs to pass through the bottleneck and redirect everything else.

U – Upgrade – Improve resources to eliminate the bottleneck.

S – Start again


Our awesome partners help keep our content free đŸ„°


Sunsama is our top choice when it comes to digital planners. Try it free today.

Ohza delivers delicious and conveniently packaged fizzy sangrias and mimosas straight to your doorstep.

The Daily Upside helps you rethink your financial news diet and gives you crisp, unbiased business insights each morning for free.

Weve offers over 100 games you can play with your team to build stronger workplace culture.


Latest Listings


📝 New year means new goals! Get a quick refresh on how to make your goals SMART.

📜 Want to become a better storyteller? There are limited spots, so grab yours while you can for this masterclass! Use code ASSIST20 for 20% off.

đŸȘ The Assist Store: Check out our Planner Bundle and browse our Etsy Store.

🚹 Job Openings

👉 We’ve launched our Private Facebook Group! Join today.
P.S. Follow us on Instagram & TikTok for additional tips.


Hooray, You Made It to the End of Our Newsletter!


Riddle me this: Strip the skin under my skin, and my flesh you’ll reveal. It tastes sweet and tart, now throw out the peel. What is it?

⭐ Answer here.

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