OG Tuesday Issue #140

The Assist Newsletter
May 30, 2023
Start your morning with this affirmation:
OG Tuesday 140 affirmation
Today’s checklist: Develop a new relationship with praise, boost your digital fluency, demystify a skill you see on so many job postings, and show more Pride at work.


Get more praise—or change your relationship with it


We all like praise, don’t we?

One study found that it lights up the same brain reward centers that spark during sex. It might also help you remember how to perform the praised skill.

So what to do if you’re just…not getting enough?

Plan A) Ask for feedback.

You might not get praise at first, but you will learn what you might do differently to get more praise eventually.

Plan B) Accept that you can’t make anyone praise you.

Get the dopamine-boosting benefits of praise by doing something within your control: Giving more praise to others. (The point isn’t to make people respond in kind, but they might!)

Plan C) Curb your praise cravings by cultivating a sense of inner worth.

Psychologist Dr. Kalanit Ben-Ari provides the following guidance:

“If you did something that feels great, acknowledge it within. Tell yourself that YOU feel proud in yourself. Give yourself the feedback you always wanted to get from others. Be the source for it to yourself.”

She also recommends examining your beliefs about praise, questioning where your needs come from, and nudging yourself toward a growth-based mindset instead of a praise-dependent mindset.


The Emotions Wheel Template


Miro's Emotion Wheel Icebreaker

Created to help teams connect and support each other, this free Emotions Wheel template is a great way to check in with your team, and only takes a few minutes to complete.

Simply share it with your team, grab a dot and place it on the section of the wheel that best represents your emotional state.

Get the free Emotions Wheel Template

P.S. You’ll need to log into or sign up for a free Miro account in order to use the template.


Are you digitally fluent or fluently digital?


Digital fluency is the precursor to affecting another buzzword: Digital transformation, the idea that digital tools can exponentially accelerate change, growth, and progress.

Causeit, Inc. created a guidebook on the subject. They’ve broken digital fluency into 5 core pillars, which they list as follows:

  • Thinking: The mental models of the 20th century won’t allow us to see the future clearly. We need to upgrade our thinking in order to realize the opportunities of the digital age.
  • Data: To create digital value, we must understand how data is structured and how it moves from system to system. Otherwise, there is no way to know if we can monetize it ethically.
  • Business Models: Digital business models and value propositions require new thinking about who creates value and how it is delivered.
  • Tools: Selecting and implementing tools for digital value creation is not as easy as it may seem. The right tool can save a lot of work—while the wrong tool can distract you from your goals.
  • Skills: A new set of skills is required for digital value to be created. Technical, intellectual, interpersonal and leadership skills need to be acquired and evolved.
Access the entire free guidebook to get a comprehensive crash course.


Why does employee turnover cost so much?



Employee turnover is costing you, but how much?

Enter your company’s metrics to see how much employee turnover is costing you each year.

Try The Calculator


Skill spotlight: The ability to anticipate needs


What is it?

“The ability to anticipate needs” isn’t just a buzz phrase you see again and again on job descriptions and performance reviews. It encompasses proactivity—thinking critically to guess what’s coming and also acting on your hunch.

How do you build this skill?

The Merriam-Webster definition of “anticipate” doubles as a checklist for exemplifying this skill:

  • Give advance thought, discussion, or treatment to
  • Meet (an obligation) before a due date
  • Foresee and deal with in advance
  • Use or expend in advance of actual possession
  • Act before (another) often so as to check or counter
  • Look forward to as certain

Exercises that might help you build this skill include:

Doing daily holistic check-ins. 

  • What’s going well?
  • What could be better?
  • Is there a better way to do this?
List all your current ideas or worries.
  • Scratch off items beyond your control or influence.
  • Drill down on items you have control over.
    • What can you do?
    • How can you do it?
    • When will you do it?
    • Why will you do it?
    • Who, if anyone, will help you do it?

How do you prove you have it?

Whether you’re speaking during an interview or writing about your experience on a resume or cover letter, you can follow this simple trigger-action-outcome formula for backing up your skill with evidence:

I realized there was a need to _______ when _______.

Describe what you did and how you accomplished it.
So I did _______ by _______.

Describe the results of your action, even if you simply reframe the need you identified in the form of a solution.
As a result, _______.


June is Pride Month: How can people show more Pride at Work?


The Society for Human Research Management (SHRM) points out the somewhat cloudy picture of LGBTQ+ individuals’ rights and experiences in the workplace.

Many companies score highly on the corporate equality index, which looks at many facets of equality, including LGBTQ-inclusive benefits and policies. However, 46% of LGBTQ individuals remain closeted at work.

“For employees below the level of senior manager, it feels like a riskier proposition to come out if the organization has not made them feel absolutely confident that it is safe and career-friendly to be out,” one diversity, equity and inclusion leader told SHRM. “With less of a track record of career success, they may be particularly attuned to not do anything that is perceived as career-damaging.”

Pride Month Activity: Think about your workplace. Do you know anyone who has come out or is openly out?

  • If so, how do you think your culture makes that person feel?
  • If not, how do you think someone would feel coming out given your company culture?


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Talkspace is the therapist you can take anywhere, anytime, with licensed professionals just a text away. Get $100 off today.

Obé makes working out fun so it becomes a daily habit. Try it free for a month.

Weve offers over 100 games you can play with your team to build stronger workplace culture.

Sunsama is our top choice when it comes to digital planners.


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💡 Improve your team’s problem-solving capabilities through these activities.

🤔 Check out this guide on how to record top-notch meeting minutes.

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🏪 The Assist Store: Check out our SMART Goals Template and browse our Etsy Store.

🚨 Job Openings
❗If you have a job opening at your company that you’d like us to share in our newsletter, please submit it here.


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Riddle me this: I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?

⭐ Answer here.

👉 Here are all of May’s OG Tuesday Riddles.

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