OG Tuesday Issue #165

The Assist Newsletter
November 20, 2023
Start your morning with this affirmation:
OG Tuesday Affirmation #165
Today’s checklist: Make a to-fail list, find your balance, don’t give up on gender equity in the workplace, and take some affordable but valuable courses.


Make a TO-FAIL list


You read that correctly. Instead of your usual old to-do list, try making a to-fail list next week.

Here’s why:

Some scientists call failure “the essential prerequisite for success.” Actively learning from and acting on your failures could increase your chances of success more than dogged persistence.

Active learning is key, because as Columbia researcher Xiaodong Lin-Siegler explains, “Failure needs to give people a chance to regroup and rewind the clock.”

To make your to-fail list, think about the risks and chances you want to take this week instead of just the things you want to get done. Really, a to-fail list is just a catchy name. The goal isn’t to fail. It’s to give yourself permission to try new and risky things.

Keep the list short—3 stretch goals tops. Be sure each item is something you feel legitimately excited to try.


The Challenge Bowl


Miro - The Challenge Bowl

The Challenge Bowl is a fun and easy way for team members to answer questions and complete short activities to deepen team bonds.

Pick one item from the Challenge Bowl each day to liven up daily meetings or run through the entire board to engage your team during virtual team lunches or happy hours.

How it Works:

  • 🗣️ You’ll need a logged-in facilitator to reveal hidden frames
  • 📝 Each team member takes turns selecting a challenge (numbered sticky note from the bowl). Tip: Use the color key to determine whether you select a silly question, thoughtful question, or a short activity.
  • ✅ The facilitator reveals the challenge and team members must answer a question or complete the activity before moving on to the next item.

Be prepared for some fun, giggles, and even some deep thinking. You can even customize the template to create your own Team Challenge Bowl tailored for your team.

🙌 Get the free Challenge Bowl Template


Work-Life Balance Secrets from Badass Women


They commit to finishing things now and never later.
Lifestyle YouTuber Kristyn Alexis says she cultivates determination and resolve to complete any task in the moment. Why second guess or reshuffle the plan you worked so hard to organize? Your party line for every to-do item: This is important.

They reject martyrdom.
Entrepreneur and consultant Denise Conroy made a promise to herself during the Covid-19 pandemic, one that was essential for her journey of finding ideal balance. She decided not to suffer anymore for the sake of her career and started putting herself first.

They live by what’s important to them—not what’s important to others.
“Working women face the expectation to do well in all areas of their multifaceted lives,” entrepreneur Christine Wheeler told Women’s Business Daily. “My advice is to really understand what is important to you, set goals and put a plan in place to reach them. At the same time, keep in mind that during any part of your life, you can’t do it all. Thus, it’s important to focus on the positive and what you have at the time.”

They strategically focus their time and effort.
Female business leader Kim Getty says she doesn’t even worry about work-life balance and looks at everything as a seesaw. She gives her attention and time where it’s most needed. It’s a flexible approach to life’s constantly shifting priorities.


Solve the Mystery of Efficient Project Management



Are you tired of feeling like a detective trying to solve a mystery when it comes to managing your team’s tasks?

Introducing monday.com, the ultimate solution for uncovering all your team’s projects. 👋 Say goodbye to cluttered inboxes and disorganized to-do lists.

It’s like a one-stop shop for all your organizational needs. Plus, with its sleek design and user-friendly interface, you’ll be able to manage your team’s tasks with ease.

Try it free today


Survey says: It’s still important to pay attention to gender equity


We don’t consider these bullet points bad news, per se. They’re just more reasons women need to continue making progress together.
  • Men still hold most (60%) of management positions.
  • Women make up just 1 in 4 “C-suiters.”
  • The amount of women in management positions grows only about 3% each year.
  • The amount of women in director-level positions grows only about 4% each year.
  • Across all career levels, representation of women of color remains far behind men of the same race and ethnicity.
  • Women experience about twice the amount of microaggressions as their male counterparts.
  • Of the women who reported experiencing microaggressions, 78% said they adjusted their appearance or behavior to feel safer at work.


Affordable Courses. High-Value Skills


Here are some flexible courses that offer an excellent return on your investment.

Skill Area: Knowledge, Data, and Resources 

Skill Area: Enterprise Technology 
Skill Area: Organizational Psychology 


Stuff we’re loving this week


📓 Journal: The Five Minute Journal is can completely change your mindset. Gratitude shouldn’t just be something you do every year on Thanksgiving, and this journal will help you do it in — you guessed it — 5 minutes a day.

🥣 Kitchen: If you’re hosting Friendsgiving or Thanksgiving this year, these serving bowls are *chef’s kiss*. And they’re listed as a BFD on Amazon!

📄 Template: Not only is this template adorable and Thanksgiving themed, but it’s a fun way to gauge your team’s feelings on your last sprint or quarter overall (tailor it to whatever suits you during this team activity).

💡 Decor: These fairy twinkle curtain lights aren’t just fun to put up for the holidays, but also look really cute in general behind sheer curtains. Pro-tip: don’t undo the ties for each vertical strand until you’ve finished hanging it up so they don’t tangle.

The Assist's Corporate Holiday Gift Guide


Ridde Me This


I can fly without wings, cry without eyes, and whine without a mouth. What am I?

⭐ Answer here.

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