Weekender Issue #96

The Assist Newsletter
August 18, 2023

Brainteaser of the day: I am a three-digit number. My second digit is four times bigger than the third digit. My first digit is 3 less than my second digit. What number am I?

Click here to see the answer.


Treat Yo’Self


❤️‍🩹 To Breaking Free
Ever been stuck in a rut that you can’t get out of? Read more about how to break the cycle >

🔥 To Fire Fits
Looking for confit inspo? Look no further >

✨ To a Boost of Confidence
Low confidence can affect multiple aspects of your life. Here are a few ways to get a quick boost of self-esteem >

🐝 To Saving the Bees
Happy World Honey Bee Day! Learn how you can save the bees >

🤳 To Better Selfies
Who said you need a professional camera to be an amazing photographer? Become your own Instagram Boyfriend with these picture tricks >


Try Divvy. Get $100.


Divvy from Bill.com

Free yourself from manual expense reports with Divvy, BILL’s spend & expense management solution.

You can track and control spending, automate expense reports, and close your books in record time.

Get to know Divvy with a quick, 20-minute demo to claim your $100 Amazon gift card.*

Divvy offers: 

  • 📈 Fully automated expense reports
  • 💸 Flexible and enforceable budgets
  • 💳 Scalable business credit that fits your needs

👉 Get a free demo


Mentorship & The Rule of ⅓


I’m a tango dancer.

When I first started, I felt bad for my partners. I was awkward and clunky and I had a hard time picking up on the subtle and nuanced lead required in tango.

One day, a more experienced tango dancer told me about the rule of ⅓:

Dance ⅓ of your dances with people who are as skilled as you (for joy).

Dance ⅓ of your dances with people who are more skilled than you (for growth).

Dance ⅓ of your dances with people who are less skilled than you (for the community).

The idea that people were choosing to dance with me as a way to ensure and foster continuance and growth of the community put my mind at ease. It also allowed me to improve, find my own style, and create meaningful friendships.

I would like for us all to view mentorship in a similar way. The purpose of mentorship is to glean wisdom and insight from someone further down their path, even if that path isn’t an exact match for what you want.

If you’re interested in receiving mentorship in terms of your role or career path, here are the strategies I’ve found work best:

  • Make the first move and develop a relationship. The best mentors I’ve ever had were totally open to sharing their experiences with me but I had to ask the questions. Don’t sit around waiting for someone to offer to mentor you. This is your life and career. Make the first move and invite them to coffee or ask if you can have 30 minutes of their time.
  • Authenticity counts. I was genuinely curious about my mentors and it was apparent that I admired their success. Generally, people are open to helping people who take a genuine interest and hold them in high regard.
  • Invest in the relationship. When you go to coffee with your mentor, pay. If you have the opportunity to go to lunch, pay. Happy hour? Pay. They are investing their time, and doing it without expecting anything in return. Even though they don’t expect it, paying shows gratitude.

If you don’t have anyone currently in your life that you feel comfortable approaching, take heart! I have several mentors that I’ve never actually met. People I admire who share their insight and wisdom all the time with me. I heard a podcast years ago where the podcaster shared that she considered Tony Robbins a mentor. When she would talk about him she would say things like, “Tony Robbins once told me… “ or “Tony once shared with me…” Can this kind of mentor give you personal feedback, no. Even still, given the purpose of mentorship I’ve shared, “to glean wisdom and insight from someone further down their path”, I wholeheartedly consider this mentorship.

Just as you can benefit from having a mentor, you can also benefit from imparting wisdom and insight you’ve gained throughout your career. Articulating your wisdom and insight to a mentee will not only improve your self-concept as a kickass professional, it will also serve to solidify your personal evolution and expertise for you.

One final thing to note. The byproducts of mentorship have the possibility to change our industry narrative. When administrative professionals are challenged to consider possibilities for themselves they previously hadn’t been made aware of, possibility and advocacy will inevitably create new verticles and paths forward for all of us. The next evolution of our industry lies within each and every administrative professional. It only takes the willingness to use our voices and share what we’ve discovered.

Dance ⅓ of your dances with someone who is less skilled, and ⅓ of your dances with someone who is more skilled. There is no downside.

To learn more about Annie, please visit her website: WholeAssistant.com or connect with her on LinkedIn.


The #1 All-In-One Platform You Didn’t Know You Needed


 monday.com dashboard

If you’re old school and keep a notebook and pen handy to write down your to-dos, or use a handful of apps to stay on top of projects, monday.com can either supplement your workflow or become your sole solution to get things done.

The really cool thing about it is that you can manage all your team’s work in one place (oh, and you can get it free if you’re strapped for cash).

No more endless e-mail threads or long meetings. With monday.com you can keep track of everything your team’s working on, communicate in context, and get started in minutes with a super easy set-up.

Signing up for free won’t just help you become more productive, you’ll also be supporting The Assist 😊.

Try it free


From Marilyn Monroe


“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”

Joanna’s Recs


Joanna Ericta

Show to binge 📺 : 
Depp v Heard

Song to bump 🎵:
Beyond by Leon Bridges

Podcast 🎙️:  
Tiny Huge Decisions

Book 📚:
Every Summer After by Carley Fortune 

Wishlist Rec 📝:


In Case You Missed It…


With these natural products, you can steer clear of summertime sniffles and stay healthy all season long.

Babbel will have you starting to speak a new language in 3 weeks. ⭐ Get 55% off if you sign up today.

If you want to have more effective meetings, try using this free template.

Morning Brew is one of our fave newsletters — you can get your own copy here.


Latest Listings


💼 If you’re looking to make a career change, you’re not alone. Learn how to navigate this next chapter.

🤔 It’s no question that you dive deep into your issues during therapy. But, have you considered EMDR?

🔖 Catch up on all Weekender newsletters here.

🏪 The Assist Store: Check out our Etsy Store.

🚨 Job Openings

❗If you have a job opening at your company that you’d like us to share in our newsletter, please submit it here.
Pssst…If you work in HR, we’re launching a brand new free newsletter for HR Professionals called Human Crapital! Subscribe today before the next issue comes out (Wed morning).




Samantha pet of the week

This is Samantha! We don’t know her exact age so she’s always 8.

Her hobbies include hiding under the sheets whenever the doorbell rings, Olympic sprinting to her food bowl when her owner’s alarm goes off, licking slippers, and sitting in the bathtub.

She loves purring and playing “swat your hand”. She also loves getting treats, but is on a diet so snack time is now extra special to her.

💌 We’re huge pet lovers at The Assist and want to feature a pet each week — fill out this form for your fur baby to be featured!
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