Wellness Wednesday Issue #62

The Assist Newsletter
March 5, 2024
Motivational Quote
Today’s checklist:
  • Unleashing your genius through meditation
  • 7 tips to beat allergies this season
  • Effective communication to foster stronger connections
  • 10 Ways to Celebrate Women’s History Month


Unleashing Your Inner Genius Through Meditation


The creativity lull many hit during winter shouldn’t leave you stuck in a rut until spring brings it’s sunshine.

By turning inward, you can tap into unlimited imaginative potential. Meditation allows conscious access to this boundless inner resource for breaking through creative blocks.

Rather than forcing creative flow, meditation invites the genius within to come through organically by following a few key steps:

  • Frame creative intentions by asking your subconscious mind for new imaginings before meditation. Make space for magical arrivals.
  • Let thoughts and judgments go through calming, grounding breathwork. This quiets your overactive conscious mind’s constraints.
  • Open your awareness to receive inspiration through visualizations of entering a creative sanctuary like an art studio, theater stage or inventors workshop. Feel your most creative self inside this space as insights start swirling.
  • Stay receptive. From this centered state of inner quiet and heightened imagination, ideas can channel through freely. Keep receptive even once meditation finishes.
By journeying inward to your deepest source of inspiration, you can unlock novel ideas and dormant creative directions. Limiting beliefs around your capabilities fall away when immersed in your inner mental studio.


The Easiest Way to Send Lunch or Gifts to Large Groups



Are you struggling to keep your remote team engaged?

Look no further than Hoppier!

Their platform simplifies virtual gifting and rewards, fostering connection and appreciation across your distributed team.

With a diverse selection of gift card options and user-friendly features, Hoppier streamlines the process of recognizing and motivating your employees.

Say goodbye to traditional incentives and discover a new way to boost morale and connectivity.

👉 Check Out Hoppier


7 Tips To Beating Allergies This Spring


As spring blooms, so do allergy woes. But fret not! Here are 7 quick tips to prep for allergy season and stay healthy:
  1. Identify Triggers: Know what sets off your allergies—pollen, mold, or pet dander—to take targeted precautions.
    ⭐️ Try an at-home test to discover your personal triggers.
  2. Monitor Pollen Counts: Check daily pollen forecasts to plan outdoor activities when pollen levels are lower.
  3. Seal Indoor Spaces: Keep windows closed and use air conditioning with high-efficiency filters to reduce indoor pollen exposure.
  4. Maintain Clean Air: Vacuum regularly, use HEPA filters, and consider an air purifier to improve indoor air quality.
  5. Create Safe Zones: Designate allergy-free areas at home, like the bedroom, with allergen-proof covers on bedding.
  6. Rinse Off Pollen: Shower and wash hair after outdoor activities to remove allergens and prevent indoor exposure.
  7. Stay Hydrated, Eat Well: Drink plenty of water, eat a balanced diet, and consider allergy medications if symptoms persist.
With these simple steps, you can hopefully conquer allergy season and embrace the joys of spring with ease!


Upgrade Your To-Do List


monday.com to do list

If you’re a visual person and want to upgrade your to-do list, check out monday.com.

It’s perfect for anyone who is struggling to…

  • Prioritize tasks
  • Fight overwhelm due to the amount of projects flying around
  • Keep teammates on the same page
  • Manage time throughout the work day

You can customize your space, color code, set deadlines, collaborate with teammates, and more.

Like any tool, we suggest you try it out for yourself to see if it covers all the bases.

💡 Get started here for free.


Effective Communication: Spring into Better Conversations


Effective communication is crucial for fostering stronger connections in both our personal and professional lives.

Here are actionable strategies to help you enhance your conversations as the season changes.

Listen Actively: The foundation of effective communication is active listening. Pay full attention to the speaker, avoid interrupting, and show your engagement through nodding and providing feedback. Remember, listening is not just about waiting for your turn to speak; it’s about truly understanding the other person’s perspective.

⭐️ Try saying: “Tell me more” or “I want to understand your perspective better.

Ask Open-Ended Questions: Encourage deeper conversations by asking questions that require more than a yes or no answer. Open-ended questions prompt detailed responses and show that you’re interested in what the other person has to say. This can lead to more meaningful and engaging dialogues.

⭐️ Try saying: “What are your thoughts?”

Be Clear and Concise: Whether you’re sharing an idea or giving feedback, clarity is key. Aim to express your thoughts in a straightforward and succinct manner. This helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures your message is received as intended.

⭐️ Try saying: “My main point is….Does that make sense?”

Practice Empathy: Try to see things from the other person’s point of view. Empathy can significantly improve how you communicate because it allows you to connect on a more emotional level, fostering a stronger bond and mutual respect.

Mind Your Non-Verbal Cues: Communication isn’t just about the words you say; your body language plays a significant role too. Ensure your facial expressions, gestures, and posture match your message. Positive non-verbal communication can make your interactions more effective and reassuring.

⭐️ Try using open body language. Making sure your arms are uncrossed and your body posture is welcoming.

Embrace the opportunity to bloom in your communication skills. In doing so, you’ll significantly improve your interactions and strengthen your relationships.


10 Ways to Celebrate Women’s History Month


Celebrating Women’s History Month in the office is a fantastic way to honor the achievements of women, inspire your team, and foster a more inclusive workplace culture. Here are practical and engaging ways to celebrate with your team:

1. Host a “Women in History” Lunch and Learn Series:
Organize a series of lunchtime sessions where team members can present on influential women in history or in your industry. This not only educates but also encourages dialogue about women’s contributions and challenges.
⭐️ Try this: Women’s History Month: Ultimate Game Show.

2. Feature Women-Led Workshops:
Invite female leaders from your industry or community to host workshops or talks. Focus on topics such as leadership, innovation, and overcoming challenges. This can provide valuable insights and inspiration to your team.

3. Support Women-Owned Businesses:
Cater office meals or events with food from women-owned restaurants and cafes. Purchase office supplies from women-owned businesses. Highlighting and supporting these businesses promotes economic empowerment and gender equality.

4. Create a Women’s History Month Display:
Set up a display in a common area featuring books, posters, and information about notable women throughout history and in your field. Encourage team members to contribute items or information to the display.

5. Organize a Charity Drive or Volunteer Day:
Select a charity that supports women and girls, and organize a donation drive or a day of volunteering. This can help raise awareness about issues affecting women and foster a sense of community and teamwork.

6. Implement a Mentorship Program:
Launch a mentorship program focusing on the professional development of women in your office. Pairing emerging talent with experienced professionals can empower women in their careers and create a supportive network within your organization.

7. Promote a Book Club:
Start a book club focused on literature by women authors or books about women’s history and issues. Discussing these works can open up conversations about gender equality and the role of women in society.

8. Encourage Personal Stories Sharing:
Create a safe space for team members to share stories about women who have inspired them, whether family members, teachers, or public figures. This can be a powerful way to connect on a personal level and celebrate the diverse influences that shape us.

9. Dedicate Social Media Posts:
Use your company’s social media platforms to highlight women’s achievements, share quotes from influential women, and promote the activities you’re undertaking to celebrate Women’s History Month.

10. Provide Resources for Continued Learning:
Offer resources and materials for team members interested in learning more about women’s history and gender equality. This could include online courses, webinars, articles, and books.


Stuff we’re loving right now


✅ Ditch your basic lists and get this spiral to-do list daily planner complete with stickers to make work days more enjoyable.

😌 Whether you’re thinking of trying for a baby in the near future, or just curious where you stand with fertility, consider visiting Kindbody. I had an awesome experience doing their Pulse Assessment and learned a lot about my reproductive health — plus, it’s super affordable! — Joanna (Co-Founder of The Assist).

🍎 Fuel your day with scrumptious healthy snacks — get some of our fave recipes here.

☕ While there’s no right time to start taking collagen supplements, it’s suggested that you begin in your 20’s. We recommend Vital Proteins, which you can easily enjoy with your morning coffee or tea.


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